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Understanding Cybersecurity in a Work From Home World –

Understanding Cybersecurity in a Work From Home World –

In a recent poll, it was found that almost half of employees have been working from home since the pandemic began, and if you are one of them or looking for remote employment, it’s vital to practice safe cybersecurity practices. This is essential when it comes to protecting you and any future employer’s data.

This issue has become even more crucial as cyber thieves have been working, learning new ways to take advantage of the many people working from home to steal their personal and business data. However, there is a lot you can do to make sure your cybersecurity is prepared for almost any threats you may come across.

Cyber Hygiene

Cyber hygiene is essential for preventing cyber attacks from happening. But, it’s also a way to improve your productivity. This is often especially important for employees working from home as employers may feel it is easier for these workers to waste company time. 

The first thing you should do is to make sure you use programs that are designed for the job you are doing and work well for you. Good cyber hygiene requires thinking ahead of time about any security issues you may have and trying to deal with them before they become a problem

Preventing Phishing Attacks

Cyber-attacks have increased considerably over time, and one of the most common forms of cyberattacks is phishing. Cyber thieves have taken advantage of the increasing number of remote workers and have adapted their strategy to include sending e-mails that look like they are from an employer in an attempt to steal information.

You can avoid having any information stolen in this way by being careful not to click on any links or open any attachments until you are sure who they are from. If you can’t verify who sent them, don’t open them. Also, make sure to alert your employer to any phishing attacks, so they will stay aware of the latest tactics that attackers are using.

Preventing Cyberstalking

Cyberstalking is another very common threat to your and your employer’s data. To prevent your data from being stolen, you’ll need to be very cautious in how you use your devices. You should be sure to: